"Portals of Light Opening"
Saturday, March 22nd, from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm.
Facilitated by Katja Esser.
Gathering time for the ritual is 12:45 pm. Please leave ample time to get yourself to the ritual site. We will be at The Landing, which is the immediate path to the right after you come out of the visitor center. Staff in the visitor center can give directions for the easy walk.
There is some preparation involved that we request you do at home prior to the ceremony. Please see below on what to prepare and bring and take some time with it. The preparations are part of the feeding of the spirit world and deepen the work we do so we can reap the most benefits from it as well. It also shows a commitment to walking a different path as it takes some effort, which is noticed in the other world.
The Equinox is situated between two powerful eclipses which are all portals of light. This is a significant moment for the celestial light to expand our awakening, intuition, and our expansion. The heavens are on our side as we traverse the rapid changes while focusing on the light.
Looking around in our third dimensional world we know we are in a time of crisis, turbulence, and collapse. We are in the middle of major change that will have this intensity till 2027. We are in the last stages of the 18 years of the processions of the Equinoxes since 2012 to be completed in 2030. We are being tested emotionally and it is a time of healing of emotional trauma since our fall from grace. On a positive note, more of us are awakening, our intuitive abilities are opening, we begin to remember who we truly are, and the light upon our planet is increasing. There is a lot of help from galactic beings, and many of them are among us to assist us with this transition. The young people express a whole different energy and carry solutions for every problem on the world. They are the ones that will rise and guide us into the future. The more we remember the power of our consciousness, love, and compassion the more we affect the outcome of things in a positive way. Challenge is part of the course and we are going through the birth canal. We are here in a unique time of human history; this is the moment we have been waiting for. We are here to plant the seeds of compassion, peace, harmony, love, courage, and healing. We begin to remember that we are interrelated, interdependent, and interconnected, no matter how some of our brothers and sisters are in total recalcitrant behavior. Trusting there is a divine plan and the more our channels are open the more we know how to act. Darkness is passive energy; it is the absence of light. We shine our light in front of us and darkness cannot hide. We are protected by our own light. We are birthing a new world and we are envisioning what this will mean and look like. Recognize the moments in which you see the new consciousness arising.
The Vernal Equinox is rapidly approaching which is always a powerful gateway where the sun rises opposite from where it sets, where night and day, matter and spirit, yin and yang create a short-lived moment of balance. It announces the return of Spring, the awakening of nature, and resurrection of life. It is the season of activation, change, acceleration, and transformation as a quickening propels life forward in rapid succession, following coherent patterns of fractals that create a predictable outcome with a unique expression based on the information it received. It is a vulnerable time in which the young life endures the challenges of potential late frosts, imbalances of moisture, wind, and temperatures which have become a reality in the last couple of years as the sun goes through its cycles. It is for this reason that ceremonies have been done to midwife and protect the young life to ensure that life can express and procreate to provide a food body we all can partake in and can continue forever. It also allows us to come into alignment with nature and be stewards of this precious life, have a relationship with the living world around us, and understand the minor cycles among the bigger cycles in the universe.
Following the cosmology of the Dagara people of West Africa we have entered now into an earth year. The wheel is universal as it reflects the energy patterns of what is surfacing right now. The qualities of Earth are nurturing, home coming, welcoming, it is connected to our bodies, grounding, standing our ground. The battle is going to be about protecting our basic livelihood, our wellbeing, our sovereignty, our acknowledgment that we are all children of the Earth, and our beloved Earth herself with all her resources, majesty, and soil health that have come up for grabs.
With Pluto now fully in Aquarius we stand up for our freedom, build from the bottom up, bring things down to the local grassroots communities. Transparency calls for truth to come out. The light pushes things to the surface. Fasten your seatbelts. Great acceleration is upon us.
The intention and questions to reflect on:
As we see the outer world going through a massive transformation and collapse, how does this
reflect within us? What shadows, hidden memories, ancestral lineage are cracked open to be healed,
released, transformed? What still needs to be healed and cleared within us to set ourselves
free and embrace our sovereignty?
Preparation and what to bring:
In addition to the general admission at America's Stonehenge, there is a suggested $8.00 donation
at the ritual to support the continuation of this sacred work.
Filming and photography:
We ask you not to film or photograph during the ceremony.
You can take pictures before or after the ceremony. Some things belong to the spirit
world. Thank you for understanding.
Who to call:
Kindly respond if you plan to attend. Please contact Katja Esser on Facebook or through e-mail at
katjacreates@ritualexpressions.com. She
needs to have a sense of the number of people coming so as to adjust the ceremony for the number
of people that are present, and it also allows her to notify guests if there are last minute
unexpected changes. You can find more info on Katja by visiting her
Katja Esser creates a container of a particular energy frequency that allows people to awaken and express their ancient
sacred connection to the infinite universe. As a multi-disciplinary artist, ceremonialist, teacher, performer, film maker, and healer
who inspires through self-expression, she assists people that are ready to come into a participatory relationship with
themselves, the living Earth, and the unseen world around them to live a sacred eco-centered, magical, and connected life.
Katja has been running annual seasonal rituals since 1992, of which Summer Solstice at America’s Stonehenge is most well-known.
Her singing and her extraordinary elaborate masks and costumes bring forth beings from another world. Katja has
facilitated drumming circles, workshops in sound, continuum-based movement, ritual, and maskmaking. She studied with
Emily Conrad, Malidoma Somé, Alisa Starkweather, Eric Bornstein, Martin Prechtel, Saruah Benson, Tim Kelley, and
various healing modalities to facilitate a shift in consciousness. She performs with the Theater Behind The Mask in
schools through Young Audiences and has appeared at First Night Boston for a number of years. Katja facilitates grief
rituals, sacred sound circles, ancestral rituals, and performances. Katja focused for 10 years on water
through video, combining her music, poetry, and images of water in praise of the living world around us,
to bring awareness to water's teachings and our participation to keep the earth alive. She also focuses
on wildcrafting, sacred geometry, and no-till gardening, contributing to eating local and having a
relationship with the living beings that feed us. Katja has an extensive
website at which her work can be viewed.